Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I love my new food!

Because of Alivia's MSPI she has not been able to eat baby cereal of food up to this point. She is almost 6 months and since she is doing so well on the new formula we decided to try a new cereal that is organic, easy to digest, and made with probiotics. She loved it. I thought that I made too much and she ate the entire bowl. She kept opening her mouth like I was not feeding her fast enough. It was so cute!! So far so good, it has only been 15 hours since we gave it to her, but she is still her normal happy self. Cross your fingers and hope that she can start eating like a big girl! She ending up eating her in car seat because Emma was occupying the highchair at the time, and I didn't want to get the other one out, but she didn't seem to mind.

A Day at the Park!

Both of the girls had so much fun at the park. Alivia and Emma sat in the same swing for a little bit and then Alivia decided she wanted to swing by herself next to her big sister. Emma was a little unsure about the slide because she had to actually go by herself with no help from mommy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Look how BIG I am!

I was starting to think that Alivia was going to be behind because she rarely rolls over and she doesn't get in much tummy time due to her spitting up issues. But yesterday she decided that she wanted to learn to sit up all by herself. I put her on the couch and she sat up for the longest time. Hopefully that means that we are going in the right direction. Emma even thought that it was pretty cool that Alivia could sit up. She sat with her and helped her clap her hands. They are becoming such good friends already.

The Zoo

A few weeks ago the girls and I went to the zoo with my friend and co-worker Danika and her nephew Ashton and friend Michelle. It was a lot of fun. We spent all day there. Emma was able to run around. All of the animals were very active that day. Alivia thought that everything was funny. She watched some from her car seat but she was also out of the stroller most of the time too.

Emmma 19 months Alivia 5 months

Both the girls are getting so big. On September 27th Emma turned 19 months and Alivia turned 5 months. As some of you know Alivia had severe MSPI (milk soy protein intolerance). Since she was 7 weeks old she has been on a very expensive formula that we have had to get from a pharmacy. At 5 months we decided to try and change her formula before starting cereal and solids. far so good. We are still on an MSPI formula however, it is a little cheaper and I can get it anywhere. She is doing very well. We are still having refluz issues and she spits up constantly but she is going weight well so we are not too worried at this point. She just wears a lot of bibs and goes through several outfits a day.
Emma is a typical toddler. She is into everything. She is constantly trying to test Brian and I. She has become a little monkey and wants to climb on everything. We continue to work very slowly on potty training. We do not push it at this point because she is still pretty young. Emma is starting to get into watching movies. She loves Shrek 2 and The Bee Movie. We watch it all the time. We also went on vacation is our new minivan and we have the DVD players in there. Of course we let her watch it on the trip and now we can not ever turn it off. Every time we get in the car she screams until we turn it on. In the car we watch Barney and Elmo's World.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper

Emma really likes to help mommy take care of her baby sister. She always wants to make sure that she has a pacifier. She also likes to make sure that she gets every last drop of her bottle. Emma is already like a little mommy. She helps me with Alivia and she loves to feed and change her babies diapers.

Monday, October 6, 2008

More Bath Fun!

The girls enjoy taking baths. Alivia likes to kick like crazy. She can even move the baby bath from one end of the tub to the other. She is a crazy lady! Emma thinks that she is funny and she just laughs at her.